North Aberdeen Bridge project features numerous options for future; public input sought

Residents had the opportunity to speak to professionals and officials regarding multiple options for the North Aberdeen Bridge.

At an open house at the Aberdeen Rotary Log Pavilion on Tuesday, 10 different options for how to move forward with the bridge in North Aberdeen were presented.

The City of Aberdeen was selected for $23.1 million in funding under the Federal Local Bridge Program to make improvements for residents, visitors, and businesses that access the North Aberdeen area.

Officials say that the options being explored would be to improve access, safety, and traffic flow, while also preserving the legacy of the connection to Kurt Cobain.

The following evaluation criteria will be used to help the project team rank the options in the Alternatives Analysis phase:

  • Accommodates Kurt Cobain significance
  • Design solution utilizes current research data obtained near existing bridge site
  • Improves multi-modal (bicycle/pedestrian) access
  • Minimizes City’s risk for potential safety/liability/durability concerns
  • Minimizes construction impacts to traveling public and surrounding neighborhood
  • Minimizes impacts to adjacent properties
  • Minimizes impacts to critical areas
  • Minimizes impacts to existing utilities
  • Minimizes project construction cost
  • Solution can be permitted and designed prior to September 2026


The alternative options were presented with 4 different focuses in mind.

  • Option 1: Rehabilitate or Upgrade Existing Bridge (no new bridge)
  • Option 2: Build a New Bridge & Keep Part or All of Existing Bridge
  • Option 3: Build New Bridge & Demo Existing Bridge
  • Option 4: Do Nothing

Within options 1-3, multiple alternatives were also presented. This includes options that would build temporary bridges either next to the current structure, or a possible temporary bridge off 4th St and Thomas.

Click here now to learn more about the project options and take the survey.

While the city is set to receive the $23.1 million in funding, if an option were to be chosen that goes over that total, the city will need to find options to fund the remaining amounts.

The next major steps in this project are as follows:

  • City Council presentation – April 2024: top 2 project alternatives will be announced.
  • In-person open house – June 2024: community invited to provide feedback on the top ranked alternative.
  • City Council presentation – June 2024: preferred alternative will be announced.

The federal funding is contingent on a plan being permitted and designed prior to September 2026.


There is an online open house and survey available from March 19-April 19 to share input.


Comments may also be submitted by email or physical mail.


Mailing Address

City of Aberdeen
Public Works Department
200 East Market Street
Aberdeen, WA 98520-5207

Email: [email protected]