2023 Healthy Youth Survey data released

The state recently released the 2023 Healthy Youth Survey (HYS) data

HYS is a statewide survey of adolescent and teenage students that identifies and tracks positive and challenging trends in youth health over time. 

It is a collaborative effort of the Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI), the Washington State Department of Health (DOH), the Washington Health Care Authority (HCA), and the Liquor and Cannabis Board (LCB). 

The LCB participates as a lead agency as part of the work to keep alcohol, cannabis, tobacco, and vapor products out of the hands of minors.

The information collected by HYS is used for decision-making on funding, rulemaking, and legislation and informs collaborative opportunities between partners statewide.

According to the data, among 10th grade Washington State HYS participants in 2023: 

  • 8% reported current vaping 
  • 9% reported current alcohol use       
  • 8% reported current cannabis use 

In 2021, survey data showed a 50% decline in youth cannabis and alcohol use in the past 30-days among 10th graders. 

The 2023 results show these numbers have remained stable since 2021.

In relation to youth access to cannabis, rates have remained relatively stable. While LCB retailer compliance rates continue to be high, officials are interested in data related to 10th graders with past 30-day use; 9% indicated they bought cannabis at a store and 2% reported stealing it from a store. 

On a positive note, 10th graders also report significant increases in social support as compared to 2021.

“Note, these numbers may reflect the hemp-derived cannabis that was available in 2021. As the Public Health Education Liaison, I believe there is always more work we can do to continue preventing youth access to and use of cannabis.”

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