Whole Washington hosting local town halls in Aberdeen and Long Beachto discuss universal healthcare
The public is invited to upcoming events in Long Beach and Aberdeen to learn more about Whole Washington.
Whole Washington is a grassroots coalition of healthcare professionals and volunteers from across Washington who endorse both state and national efforts to make Universal Healthcare a reality.
“We fight for single payer healthcare at the national level and pursue a state-based model, using both the initiative and legislative process”.
Whole Washington is crossing the state to talk to communities about Washington’s healthcare system.
Whole Washington says that they support the Washington Health Trust (as described in Initiative 1471 and Senate Bill 5335), which would establish the first state-wide, publicly financed, not-for-profit, healthcare system in the U.S.
“Instead of multiple private insurance companies and multiple profit-driven programs, the Washington Health Trust would pay the healthcare expenses of Washington State residents. This legislation was written by citizens, for citizens, free from the influence of corporate interests. Whole Washington’s goal is comprehensive universal healthcare, from cradle-to-grave with no one left out.”
Their “Let’s Make Healthcare Happen!” town halls are open to everyone.
The Aberdeen Town Hall will be on April 30 from 4-5 pm at the Aberdeen Timberland Library.
In addition, there is a Long Beach Town Hall scheduled for April 28 from 2-3 pm.
At each event, Whole Washington organizers will present 20 minutes of material about the Washington Health Trust and then move into discussion with participants.
The goal of these meetings is to gather input from the community to inform and refine the proposed legislation before the next legislative session.
To participate, RSVP here.
Learn more about us at https://wholewashington.org/