Survey to gauge interest in app to track Harmful Algal Blooms

WDFW, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution – A survey has been set up to gauge the public’s interest in an app that would track Harmful Algal Blooms.

The survey, developed by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and shared by the WDFW, is polling members of the shellfishing and outdoor recreation community to gauge interest in an app-based harmful algal bloom forecasting tool and estimate the potential benefits of such a tool if the technology were developed. 

Some of the questions ask if you would consider downloading an app that gives information about harmful algal blooms if it was free or if there was a cost associated with it.

Others ask about how often you participate in outdoor recreation activities on the coast.

You must be 18 years old or older to participate in this study.

They say that responses will remain strictly anonymous and no information will be made public that may be traced back to individual users.

According to the survey, the goal of this study is to better understand concerns and needs of the public related to harmful algal blooms in the region.

You can find a link to the survey below.

Survey link: