RFA failing and most school district measures passing in early election results

Initial votes show that the formation of the Central Grays Harbor Regional Fire Authority is once again in jeopardy after early results from the February Special Election.

As of the first release of election numbers, voters in both Aberdeen and Hoquiam are in approval of the RFA, but trailing the 60% needed to form the new district. Aberdeen voters are showing 53.39% approval, with Hoquiam voters slightly more in favor at 55.31%.

In November, after votes were certified, Aberdeen showed 60.67% approval compared to Hoquiam’s 57.94%.  

First results for the General Election had both cities with above 59% approval in early results.

Local school levies are overwhelmingly passing as of the Tuesday results.

  • Cosmopolis voters in approval of their Educational Programs and Operations Levy hold a 61.48% majority in initial counts.
  • The Elma School District is seeing 53.14% of votes in favor of their replacement Educational Programs and Operations Levy.
  • A replacement of the expiring Educational Programs and Operations Levy in Hoquiam has 57.81% Yes votes in early results. 
  • Mary M Knight voters are showing 57.19% voting yes in the early combined county early results for their School Education Enrichment Levy. Counting only the limited Grays Harbor voters, 63.3% are in favor.
  • Voters in Quinault are in favor of the Educational Programs and Operation Replacement Levy for the school district with a 65.27% majority so far.
  • In Satsop, the Replacement Ed Programs and Operations Levy has a 75.26% approval as of Tuesday.
  • Taholah voters, all 43 who were counted as of Election Night, are in favor of their School Program Levy with 69.77% approval.
  • Wishkah residents have 71.71% yes votes for an Educational Programs and Operations and Enrichment Levy.


Not all school districts are approving their measures however.

  • McCleary voters are defeating the replacement Educational Programs and Operations Levy as of Tuesday. Only approximately 45% of voters are voting yes for the levy, in both Grays Harbor and combined county results.
  • The “Safety for Students” bonds for construction of a new facility in the North Beach School District is failing currently, with only 40.43% in favor.
  • North Beach voters are also showing disapproval of a levy on the ballot, although by a much smaller percentage. 50.54% of votes were against the proposal.


As of Tuesday night, the East Grays Harbor Fire & Rescue proposal to increase the amount of their Commissioners from three members to five is passing in first results. 59.23% of voters in East County are in favor of the change

Out of the 34,926 included in this election, 9,254 had been counted as of Tuesday at 8pm. This represents a 26.5% turnout.

Election results will continue to be tabulated as officials will count votes submitted prior to the deadline through certification on February 18.