Quinault Indian Nation proposes holistic addiction treatment clinic in Aberdeen
The Quinault Indian Nation (QIN) announced a proposal on Thursday for their plans to build a new wellness clinic in the City of Aberdeen.
In their release, they say this new facility would provide a “whole person” approach to treat opioid and other addictions.
The clinic will be an outpatient-only facility, with no overnight stays. Shuttle service will be available within the Greater Grays Harbor area to transport patients to and from the clinic.
QIN tells KXRO that “More Quinault tribal members live within Aberdeen and Hoquiam than within the reservation”.
The clinic will make “whole person” addiction recovery services available to tribal members and our non-tribal neighbors in Grays Harbor County.
The clinic will also provide services to patients in the small part of Jefferson County that includes Queets and some of Pacific County.”
“The Quinault community and our Grays Harbor neighbors are inextricably linked in suffering the devastating consequences of addiction and the opioid epidemic,” said Quinault Indian Nation President Fawn Sharp. “We are excited about creating this new opportunity to confront this crisis and heal together. The new clinic will be the first of its kind locally to provide the full range of services needed for individuals and families to overcome roadblocks to recovery.”
The Quinault Nation says that they have spent millions of dollars every year for the past two decades to combat the opioid crisis with limited success.
They cite recent research that shows the opioid epidemic requires a “whole person” approach that includes non pharmacological treatment for pain, as well as ensuring that people have the employment, education and housing support they need for long-term recovery.
In addition to providing Medication-Assisted Treatment for opioid addiction, the clinic will offer dental care, primary care, individual and group substance abuse counselling, individual and family mental health counseling, on-site childcare services and transportation assistance.
Clinic patients will also have access to social services such as life skills, money management and relapse prevention skills training, on-site public benefits enrollment, case management and social services referrals.
The Quinault Nation states that they are looking at the Swinomish Tribe’s Didgwalic Wellness Center as an example of success right here in Washington State. The Swinomish clinic boasts a 75% success rate in keeping patients in the program and on the road to recovery as an outpatient only facility located in Anacortes.
The new clinic in Aberdeen will be fully funded by the QIN.
Startup is expected to cost from $10 million to $12 million, including the cost of purchasing the former Worksource building at 511 W. Heron St.
The Nation has a goal of opening to patients in 18 to 24 months with hours of operation between 6 am and 4 pm.
The QIN envisions the project as a valued new asset to the community that will lower demand for the Emergency Room at Grays Harbor Hospital. The project is expected to create nearly 50 permanent well-paying jobs including doctors, physician assistants, registered nurses, addiction recovery specialists and behavioral health professionals.
Plans for potential expansion in the future include outreach to assess community needs with Grays Harbor Community Hospital, local police and fire departments, crisis care providers and the local court systems. The Quinault Nation will also be looking at potential diversion programs with local prosecutor and court systems and educational transition programs in coordination with the local college. Expansion programs could boost the number of jobs created to more than 100.