Peninsula wide focus announced for Olympic National Forest
Olympic National Forest Supervisor, Kelly Lawrence, has announced a re-envisioned focus for the Olympic National Forest.
“As an integral part of communities with a long history, the Olympic National Forest is committed to stewarding the forest holistically as an integrated part of the Olympic Peninsula.”
In efforts to be more adaptable and responsive to communities while responding to ongoing modernization the Olympic National Forest is aligning efforts to:
- Deliver predictable timber harvests through landscape restoration
- Work to co-manage lands with indigenous nations and people
- Manage recreation on the Olympic Peninsula across boundaries
- Provide resilient infrastructure
- Improve watershed health to support aquatic habitats and clean water
- Intentionally increase community engagement
“Some of these efforts are ongoing while other investments will be made over time,” Lawrence said. “By working with tribes and partners we’ve learned new ways to accomplish impactful work and are excited to continue fostering economic development, world class recreation, and restoration across the Peninsula.”
This larger scale approach aligns with U.S. Forest Service shared stewardship efforts and the State of Washington’s effort towards “All lands, All Hands” management.
Forest staff will continue to invest in partnerships and strategic efforts while delivering operational commitments to communities and forest visitors.
To learn more about the Olympic National Forest visit the forest’s website or follow us on social media.