A community-led meeting in Ocean Shores is set to follow up on a July 17th workshop to discuss possible healthcare options within the North Beach.

In a release from the organizers, “Ocean Shores Learning Series”, they say that the meeting will be held on Sunday August 18 from 1-4pm at the Ocean Shores Lions Club.

They say that the purpose of this meeting is to learn what local, state, and federal leadership “are doing to remove barriers to health care in the North Beach area” and how residents can advocate for increased medical care.

None of us should be forced to move away from the place we have chosen to live because we cannot count on consistent healthcare as we age or we have chronic disease.” said organizers.

The group says that they have invited a number of local and regional legislators and officials, representatives from both Grays Harbor Community Hospital and Summit Pacific Medical Center, and local healthcare providers, although it is not known at this time who may attend.

More information is expected as the event approaches.

The citizen sponsored town hall is free to the public.