Newly completed construction lets fish swim free north of Kalaloch
Crews are wrapping up work to remove fish barriers at Steamboat Creek north of Kalaloch near the Grays Harbor County and Jefferson County line.
On Monday, Aug. 29, contractor crews working for the Washington State Department of Transportation removed the one-way alternating traffic signal near Kalaloch.
Since early July, the temporary signal has directed travelers around the work zone while crews removed the remainder of an old box culvert and improved the streambed.
This signals the end of a project to remove barriers to fish migration at three creeks under portions of US 101.
Fisher, Harlow and Steamboat creeks used to flow through culverts under portions of the highway, but often those older culverts were too small and impeded fish travel.
Crews replaced each culvert with new bridges over the waterways, which allow more space for fish to move through the water.
Workers also improved streambeds to assist all life cycles of fish.
Work on the $24.7 million project began in 2019 as part of WSDOT’s ongoing efforts to remove barriers to fish and open more spawning and rearing habitat to fish.