Culvert replacement will bring lane closures on US 101
Roadwork will create delays for drivers on Highway 101 just over the Grays Harbor County line as the highway dips into and out of Jefferson County near Queets.
Alternating one-way traffic will soon be back on the section of US 101 at Steamboat Creek.
Starting Monday, July 11, travelers will encounter a lane closure and temporary traffic signal at milepost 162.6 near Kalaloch.
The alternating one-way traffic will continue into early fall.
The lane closure creates a work zone, giving contractor crews working for the Washington State Department of Transportation access to Steamboat Creek.
Crews will use the work zone to remove the remainder of the old box culvert and improve the streambed.
This project removes old culverts under US 101 at Steamboat, Harlow and Fisher Creeks that were barriers to fish. They are being replaced with large concrete bridges.
This work is part of WSDOT’s program to remove barriers to fish under state highways.