Committee members needed; nominations sought for PNW Region RRAC

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)’s Forest Service began seeking nominations for the Pacific Northwest Region Recreation Resource Advisory Committee (RRAC) this month.

This initiative is in accordance with the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act and the Federal Advisory Committee Act and aims to enhance recreation programs in the region.

The purpose of the committee will be to provide recommendations on various aspects of the recreation fee program for federal lands managed by the Forest Service.

Potential areas for review include implementing or eliminating standard amenity fees, expanded amenity fees, noncommercial individual special recreation permit fees, and other aspects of the recreation fee program.

“The Pacific Northwest Region Recreation Resource Advisory Committee will play a vital role in shaping the future of recreation fee programs for federal lands,” said Sally Butts, Director of Recreation, Lands, and Minerals, for the Forest Service’s Pacific Northwest Region. “This committee will contribute to the development of inclusive and impactful recommendations that reflect the interests of our diverse communities.”

The Pacific Northwest Region RRAC will be comprised of 11 members approved by the Secretary of Agriculture and will include representation from various interest areas, ensuring a diverse and inclusive perspective in its recommendations.

Membership nominations will be requested for individuals representing winter and summer motorized/non-motorized recreation, hunting and fishing, motorized and non-motorized outfitters and guides, local environmental groups, state tourism officials, affected Indian tribes, and affected local government interests.

Each member will serve a two or three-year term.

Interested individuals are encouraged to self-nominate or nominate other candidates by completing Form AD-755. Nominees must demonstrate unique qualifications for their category, experience working with underserved populations, collaborative group work experience, and reasons for wanting to serve on the committee.

How to submit:
Submit application packages electronically to [email protected] or by mail to:

Recreation RAC Nomination, Forest Service Recreation
Attn. Nicole LaGioia
Pacific Northwest Regional Office, Edith Green-Wendell Wyatt Federal Building
1220 SW 3rd Ave.
Portland, OR 97204

The 60-day nomination period opened on March 18, 2024, and final written nominations must be received by May 17, 2024.

The USDA encourages nominations from individuals with diverse backgrounds and experiences and is committed to ensuring equal opportunity and non-discrimination in all its programs and activities. Equal opportunity practices in accordance with USDA’s policies will be followed in all appointments to the committee.

Additional information on the Pacific Northwest Region Recreation RAC can be found by visiting the website at: