2019 Filing Week: Day 4

Montesano, WA – As the final day of Filing Week arrived, 33 offices in Grays Harbor were left unfiled for, and 20 were without a candidate in Pacific County.

Filing for local office officially lasts until 4pm on Friday of Filing Week, although if no candidates step forward and place their name on the ballot, a special filing period would open up for these seats.

Notable omissions, as of Friday morning, were seats on the Aberdeen, Hoquiam, and Cosmopolis City Councils, as well as school board seats throughout the county.

Seats also remained on fire, water, sewer, and cemetery districts.

Changes to the filings as the final day approached include 3 people vieng for a seat on the Grays Harbor Public Hospital District #2 board, with Scott Dilley and Bill Simpson filing for Melanie Sturgeon’s seat. Sturgeon also filed for re-election.

2 people are in the race for Jeff Cook’s seat on the Aberdeen City Council, and neither of them are Cook. Kati Kachman and Dave Deakin both filed. For Margo Shortt’s seat, the incumbent filed Thursday morning, but Deborah Ross and Tara Mareth are also both in for the position.

3 people are now in the race for Cosmopolis Mayor as Kyle Pauley, Steve Davis, and Mark Collett have all filed.

Filing fees are required for a number of offices, equaling 1% of the annual salaries.

The vast majority of offices are for full terms, while many positions are for unexpired or short and full terms. This includes the Port of Grays Harbor seats left open following the retirement of Chuck Caldwell and the passing of Jack Thompson.

File Here Monday, May 13 at 9am to Friday, May 17 at 4pm

The Grays Harbor County Auditor’s website has more information on what it takes to file for office, and what it means when you do; https://wei.sos.wa.gov/county/graysharbor/en/olf/Pages/OnlineCandidateFilingStart.aspx

Congratulations on your decision to run for public office!

The Association of Washington Cities, who represent and work for local cities, has prepared a booklet with information for those considering filing for office, going over the basic duties and obligations of elected officials.

So you want to be an elected official…

Practical information for people running for office in Washington’s cities and towns


Grays Harbot Offices Open as of Friday Morning
Office (Term) Incumbent File With Filing Fee
Aberdeen Council Ward 5 Grays Harbor
Position 9

(4-year term, Nonpartisan)

Pete Schave Grays Harbor 47.22
City of Cosmopolis Grays Harbor
Council Position 3

(4-year term, Nonpartisan)

Jim Ancich Grays Harbor 18
Hoquiam Council Ward 3 Grays Harbor
Position 5

(4-year term, Nonpartisan)

Shannon Patterson Grays Harbor 30
Hoquiam Council Ward 4 Grays Harbor
Position 8

(4-year term, Nonpartisan)

Benjamin R. Winkelman Grays Harbor 30
Hoquiam Council Ward 6 Grays Harbor
Position 12

(2-year unexpired term, Nonpartisan)

Mary Stinchfield Grays Harbor 31.2
Sch Dist 28 – Hoquiam Grays Harbor
School 28 Position 3

(4-year term, Nonpartisan)

Kathy Eddy Grays Harbor 0
Sch Dist 64 – N. Beach Grays Harbor
School 64 Director District 1

(4-year term, Nonpartisan)

Jeff Wilson Grays Harbor 0
School 64 Director District 3

(2-year unexpired term, Nonpartisan)

Jane Harnagy Grays Harbor 0
School 64 Director District 5

(2-year unexpired term, Nonpartisan)

Catherine Wright Grays Harbor 0
Sch Dist 65 – McCleary Grays Harbor, Mason
School 65 Director District 4

(4-year term, Nonpartisan)

Teneille Carpenter Grays Harbor 0
Sch Dist 97 – Quinault Grays Harbor
School 97 Director District 3

(4-year term, Nonpartisan)

David Hughes Grays Harbor 0
School 97 Director District 4

(4-year term, Nonpartisan)

Brenda Sansom Grays Harbor 0
Sch Dist 104 – Satsop Grays Harbor
School 104 Position 1

(4-year term, Nonpartisan)

Kimberly Russell Grays Harbor 0
School 104 Position 2

(4-year term, Nonpartisan)

Vacant Grays Harbor 0
School 104 Position 3

(4-year term, Nonpartisan)

Jason Olsen Grays Harbor 0
Sch Dist 117 – Wishkah Grays Harbor
School 117 Director District 4

(4-year term, Nonpartisan)

Duane Olson Grays Harbor 0
Sch Dist 300 – N River Grays Harbor, Pacific
Director Position 3

(4-year term, Nonpartisan)

James Banas Pacific 0
Director Position 4

(4-year term, Nonpartisan)

Robin Gumaelius Pacific 0
Director Position 5

(4-year term, Nonpartisan)

Bethany Mizushima Pacific 0
Sch Dist 400 – Oakville Grays Harbor, Lewis
School 400 Director District 3

(4-year term, Nonpartisan)

Joe Reed Grays Harbor 0
School 400 Director District 4

(4-year term, Nonpartisan)

John Shortman Jr Grays Harbor 0
School 400 Director District 5

(4-year term, Nonpartisan)

Tamra Ruymann Grays Harbor 0
Sch Dist 61 – Rochester Grays Harbor, Lewis, Thurston
School Board Director, District No. 3

(4-year term, Nonpartisan)

Ben Elkins Thurston 0
School Board Director, District No. 4

(4-year term, Nonpartisan)

Connie Smejkal Thurston 0
Fire District 4 Grays Harbor
Fire 4 Position 2

(6-year term, Nonpartisan)

Kenneth W. Carlyle Grays Harbor 0
Fire District 6 Grays Harbor
Fire 6 Position 5

(6-year term, Nonpartisan)

Steve Enquist Grays Harbor 0
Fire District 11 Grays Harbor
Fire 11 Position 2

(6-year term, Nonpartisan)

Betty Singer Grays Harbor 0
Fire District 12 Grays Harbor
Fire 12 Position 2

(6-year term, Nonpartisan)

Peter B McMillin Grays Harbor 0
Fire District 16 Grays Harbor
Fire 16 Position 3

(6-year term, Nonpartisan)

Greg Mills Grays Harbor 0
Park District 1 Grays Harbor, Pacific
Parks Position 2

(4-year term, Nonpartisan)

Mike Reichenberger Grays Harbor 0
Parks Position 3

(4-year term, Nonpartisan)

Julie Smith Grays Harbor 0
Cemetery District 1 Grays Harbor
Commissioner 2

(6-year term, Nonpartisan)

Bruce Lutz Grays Harbor 10
Water District 8 Grays Harbor
Water 8 Position 3

(6-year term, Nonpartisan)

Floyd (Dave) Davis Grays Harbor 0


Pacific County Offices Open as of Friday Morning
Office (Term) Incumbent File With Filing Fee
Port Of Chinook Pacific
Commissioner District 2
(6-year term, Nonpartisan)
Gary Kobes Pacific 0
Port Of Peninsula Pacific
Commissioner District 1
(6-year short and full term, Nonpartisan)
William Derion Pacific 0
City of Ilwaco Pacific
City Council Member 1
(2-year unexpired term, Nonpartisan)
Pacific 24
City Council Member 3
(2-year unexpired term, Nonpartisan)
Kenneth Sprague Pacific 24
City Council Member 5
(4-year short and full term, Nonpartisan)
Kristen Mathison Pacific 24
City Of Raymond Pacific
City Council Member 7
(4-year short and full term, Nonpartisan)
Pam Nogueira Pacific 29.71
City Of South Bend Pacific
City Council Member 1
(4-year term, Nonpartisan)
Daryle Buchanan Pacific 14.4
City Council Member 2
(4-year term, Nonpartisan)
Clarence D Williams Pacific 14.4
School District #101 Pacific
Director District 3
(4-year term, Nonpartisan)
Don Zuern Pacific 0
School District #160 Pacific
Director District 3
(4-year term, Nonpartisan)
Eric Clements Pacific 0
Director Position 4 At Large 4
(2-year term, Nonpartisan)
Pacific 0
School District #172 Grays Harbor, Pacific
School 172 Director District 1
(4-year term, Nonpartisan)
Greg Miller Grays Harbor 0
School 172 Director District 3
(4-year term, Nonpartisan)
Duane W. Pegg Grays Harbor 0
School 172 Position 5
(4-year term, Nonpartisan)
Deborah Carter-Bowhay Grays Harbor 0
School District #200 Grays Harbor, Pacific
Director Position 3
(4-year term, Nonpartisan)
James Banas Pacific 0
Director Position 4
(4-year term, Nonpartisan)
Robin Gumaelius Pacific 0
Director Position 5
(4-year term, Nonpartisan)
Bethany Mizushima Pacific 0
Fire District #2 Pacific
Commissioner Position 2
(6-year term, Nonpartisan)
Leslie A. Colvin Pacific 0
Fire District #7 Pacific
Commissioner Position 2
(6-year term, Nonpartisan)
Nancy Robinson Pacific 0
Fire District #8 Pacific
Commissioner Position 2
(6-year term, Nonpartisan)
Vacant Pacific 0
Park District Grays Harbor, Pacific
Parks Position 2
(4-year term, Nonpartisan)
Mike Reichenberger Grays Harbor 0
Parks Position 3
(4-year term, Nonpartisan)
Julie Smith Grays Harbor 0
Water District NB Pacific
Commissioner Position 3
(6-year term, Nonpartisan)
Glenn Ripley Pacific 0

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