WSDOT releases latest performance report
Olympia, WA – The Washington State Department of Transportation have released the latest edition of their quarterly performance report, highlighting work done and being planned to be done across the state.
The Gray Notebook looks at performance measures on projects and highlights those both locally and throughout Washington.
The Gray Notebook allows residents to look at the WSDOT Strategic Plan and measure the performance of the state agency based upon it.
It looks at goals for safety, preservation, mobility, and other areas to see if these metrics are being met.
The report shows that the rate of traffic fatalities per 100 million miles traveled increased since the prior period, as well as other goals not met, although the majority of goals are exceeding expectations.
Also included are a list of projects in the state and their current status.
Among the projects listed for the third quarter of the 2021-2023 biennium in the document, it lists delays on work do mechanical work on the Wishkah River Bridge, stabilize the slope on SR 109 near the Moclips Highway, a chip seal on US 101 near the Kalaloch Campground, and over 70 others.
The rehabilitation of the Riverside Bridge in Hoquiam is also listed as being late.
Other highlights from this issue include:
- WSDOT’s Electronic Screening System helped the trucking industry avoid 230,000 travel hours and $28.9 million in operating costs in 2021
- Amtrak Cascades had a 46% increase in ridership to 251,000 passengers in 2021 compared to 172,000 in 2020
- WSDOT and partners recorded a minimum of 8,683 animal crossings in the Snoqualmie Pass East Project area in 2020 and 2021
- WSDOT began monitoring nine new wetland and stream mitigation sites on 32.7 acres in 2021
- WSDOT’s and Washington State Ferries’ combined agency-wide recordable incident rate increased 29.5% in 2021
- In the first quarter of 2022, WSDOT Incident Response teams provided an estimated $21.3 million in economic benefit by reducing the effects of incidents on drivers
- Washington State Ferries completed 27,955 (98.8%) of its 28,306 regularly scheduled trips in the third quarter of FY2022
- WSDOT advertised 58 of 143 Pre-existing Funds projects during the third quarter of the 2021-2023 biennium
Gray Notebook editions can accessed at the Gray Notebook archive page.