Transportation Commission meeting to be held in Ocean Shores

The Washington State Transportation Commission will be holding their next virtual meeting locally.

The Transportation Commission meets eleven times per year. 

Seven of those meetings are held in Olympia and four meetings are held in cities around the state. 

On November 16-17, their virtual meeting will be based in Ocean Shores and commission members plan to meet with local representatives to learn about issues within the coastal community.

This meeting comes just after the commission and other groups collect public input on proposed names for a new state ferry, including the locally relevant “Wishkah”.

Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, meetings of the Transportation Commission are planned to be virtual through March 2022.  

The Washington State Transportation Commission is hosting a year-long series on the future of transportation Post COVID-19.

Meetings in Olympia are web cast live via TVW by selecting live programming and live webcasts.

November 16-17

Ocean Shores, WA – Virtual Meeting

Agenda & Meeting Materials

Zoom Meeting Registration – November 16

Zoom Meeting Registration – November 17



View the Commission’s 2022 Meeting schedule.

View previous Commission agendas and materials.