Summit Pacific Medical Center is looking for a new board member

Grays Harbor Public Hospital District No. 1 Commissioner Louie Figueroa has announced his resignation as a board member of the East County hospital group.

His last day as commissioner will be July 1, 2020.

In his letter of resignation Mr. Figueroa stated, “It has been my honor and privilege to serve the District for over 15 years. I am proud of the people and leadership that have built a hospital, vision, and wellness center that will serve our community for generations to come.”

Figueroa is a United States Navy veteran who has served the hospital board for over 15 years and was an active member of the team who helped to bring the idea of a new hospital, clinic, and wellness center into fruition.

“Louie has taken his professional experience as a Physician’s Assistant to help continually improve the quality of care provided at Summit Pacific.” says Board Chair, Drew Hooper. “He has always supported the organization in both time and effort by volunteering at multiple events above and beyond the requirements of a board member. While I am saddened to see him step down from his position on the board, I am happy to have had the opportunity to work by his side in an effort to build the healthiest community in the nation.”

Those interested in filling the Hospital District Commissioner vacancy can submit a letter of interest to the Hospital District by May 22, 2020.

For the safety of all during the COVID-19 pandemic, Summit Pacific requests that all letters of interest or questions should be sent by email to Jori Stott at [email protected].

For more information on Public Hospital Districts and the role of a Hospital District Commissioner, please visit