Students asked to take part in Washington State Healthy Youth Survey
Some local students will be taking part in the Washington State Healthy Youth Survey this month.
The Montesano School District posted a notice stating that students in grades 8, 10, and 12 will have the opportunity to take the survey during their first period on Wednesday, October 18.
This survey is being offered at schools throughout the state with opportunities for other grades, depending on the school.
The Healthy Youth Survey includes questions related to physical activity and diet, unintentional and intentional injury, substance abuse, sexual behaviors, abuse, risk and protective factors, and access to school- based services.
Taking the survey is voluntary. Parents who do not want their student to participate in the survey can call their local school to excuse their participation, or students may tell their teacher they do not want to take part.
There is no penalty for not taking the survey and student’s grades will not be affected for opting out.
The Department of Health states that survey results are used for planning, evaluating, and improving programs, and getting the money to support them.
Student answers are anonymous. No codes or information used to match a survey to a student.
Anonymous data is shared with local health departments and approved researchers to support youth and reduce their risks.
Information for Parents and Students regarding the Washington State Healthy Youth Survey.