Second Incarcerated COVID-Related Death at Stafford Creek
A second COVID-19 related death has been reported at Stafford Creek Corrections Center among an incarcerated individual.
The Department of Corrections tells KXRO that on Saturday, January 9, 2021, an individual incarcerated at Stafford Creek Corrections Center in Aberdeen passed away due to COVID-19.
This person died at a community healthcare facility.
The individual’s next of kin and/or attorney has been provided notification of the individual’s passing.
“The Washington Department of Corrections offers its condolences to the family and friends of the decedent and remains committed to continue science-based health practices and following the established COVID-19 screening, testing and infection control guidelines as the Department works to contain and mitigate any spread of the virus.“
In their latest update, DOC reports that 1,010 incarcerated individuals and 75 staff members at the local facility have tested positive.
As of January 8, Stafford Creek has seen 770 COVID-19 cases in the last 30 days among the incarcerated population.
As of November 30, 2020, Stafford Creek Corrections Center has a total capacity for 1,942 individuals and a current population of 1,830.
As a result of the growing number of COVID-19 positive cases and the associated quarantined cases that go with them, on December 5, 2020 the facility initiated restricted movement due to COVID-19, to limit the potential exposure of COVID-19 to the institution’s incarcerated population.
“The health and safety of staff and those sentenced to the Department’s custody remains the Department’s top priority. The Department remains committed to mitigating, containing and ceasing any spread of COVID-19.”