Repairs to Basich Boulevard could begin soon
The Aberdeen City Council heard a report at their meeting last night that the Public Works Department had performed a public bid opening for the Basich Blvd Slide Repair Project on July 24, 2020.
The City reportedly received three bid submissions for the project:
- Rognlin’s, Inc $ 575,000.00
- Quigg Bros., Inc. $ 645,530.50
- Magna $ 714,932.00
The City Engineer reviewed the bids and found the bid from Rognlin’s, Inc. to be the lowest responsive bid.
The Engineer’s Estimate for the work was $700,000.
Construction is anticipated to be complete this year.
The funding for this project comes from a loan with the Public Works Board approved by City Council on May 14, 2020.
In April of 2018, surface settlement of the roadway at the location of the slide was seen, and the roadway was closed as a geotechnical engineer evaluated the roadway and hillside.
That engineer recommended repairs to the roadway surface that were completed in September of 2018, however further settlement was seen following that work leading to the “sudden significant settlement” on December 22, 2019.
On December 23, a Proclamation of Emergency was declared for the area to allow the city to make repairs as soon as possible.