Reminder: Weeks-long closure of a portion of US 101 starting on July 9; 23-mile detour
As a reminder, a full closure of US 101 north of Hoquiam is coming soon and will last through July.
Travelers are reminded that work to remove multiple fish passage barriers in Grays Harbor will require drivers to use a 23-mile detour from July 9-31.
Contractor crews working for the Washington State Department of Transportation will close 2 miles of US 101 between Failor Lake Road and Larson Brothers Road from 8 p.m. Sunday, July 9 to 11:59 p.m. Monday, July 31.
Extra travel time will need to be planned throughout the closure as the detour will take vehicles out Wishkah.
This work is part of a project that improves fish habitat in six streams and tributaries under US 101 in Grays Harbor, as well as work throughout the Olympic Peninsula during the summer.
During the around-the-clock closures, a 23-mile signed detour will be in place using the Wishkah Road and cutoff road leading to Youmans and back onto 101.
On Youmans, there will be alternating one-way traffic at the East Fork Hoquiam River Bridge.
Three additional culvert sites under US 101, from mileposts 102.97 to 111.3 will be under construction through the fall. WSDOT’s contractor will keep traffic moving using a single lane around each work zone during that work.
This project is part of the US 101-SR 109 Grays Harbor, Jefferson and Clallam Counties – Remove Fish Barriers project which corrects 29 culverts that are barriers to fish passage upstream.
Construction will occur through 2026 and is part of WSDOT’s program to remove barriers to fish under state highways.
Real-time traffic information is available on the statewide travel map and the WSDOT app. Additional information is available on the WSDOT regional Twitter account.