Public invited to participate in State Plan for Electric Vehicle Charging Investments
June 8, 2022 9:01AM PDT
Feedback is wanted regarding the state plan for electric vehicle charging investments.
The Washington State Department of Transportation is asking for input from the public as the state develops a plan for deploying electric vehicle fast charging in communities located near highway corridors.
The process is in the initial planning stages of a five-year federal program, but public input is being sought as part of early feedback.
Residents can participate in a number of ways to give their your comments and suggestions:
- Participate in a public listening session: WSDOT are hosting another Public Listening Session this Wednesday, June 8, from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Officials be discussing a number of topics, including transportation electrification in Washington, the Zero Emission Vehicle Mapping and Forecasting Tool, and the state plan for the National EV Infrastructure (NEVI) program. Attendees will have opportunities to participate in polls and ask questions. Register for Listening Session on Planning and Mapping EV Charging Stations along Highway Corridors.
- Take the online survey: Share feedback about your EV charging priorities in our online survey.
- Suggest Charging Locations on an Interactive map: Have you thought about where you would like to see future electric vehicle (EV) charging stations in Washington State? Add your suggested locations on an interactive map.
- Visit the Website for the National EV Infrastructure Plan
- Email WSDOT by sending a message to WSDOT Partnerships with your comments and suggestions