Public invited to participate in planned Hazard Mitigation Plan update
Grays Harbor County Emergency Management is soliciting input from the community as part of the process to update the current Hazard Mitigation Plan for the area.
The county office posted a survey for residents to give their thoughts to determine what the plan should entail.
Questions in the survey are designed to help gather information from local citizens about disaster issues, and to find out from the public about areas vulnerable to various types of natural disasters in order to help coordinate activities to reduce the risk of injury or property damage in the future.
The Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan is being updated by a local planning partnership composed of stakeholders from the county, local jurisdictions, special purpose districts, private industry, federal, and state governments.
As part of this planning, the public is asked to fill out the survey to help develop the updated plan.
The Hazard Mitigation Plan is developed in response to Federal programs that enable the area to use pre- and post-disaster financial assistance to reduce the exposure of residents to risks associated with natural hazards.
The survey consists of various questions related to the county, its jurisdictions, and residents, and provides an opportunity for any additional comments at the end.
The survey is said to take less than 10 minutes to complete and can remain anonymous.
Grays Harbor County 2023 Multi-Jurisdiction Hazard Mitigation Plan Community Survey