Port of Grays Harbor facilities re-opening with restrictions
The Westport Marina boat launch and Friend’s Landing are open, with some limitations.
The Port of Grays Harbor issued a release stating that the Westport Marina is once-again open for business after their extended closure.
With the re-opening, staff say that when visitors return they will see recent improvements to the boat launch parking lot, including a newly paved and striped parking lot, restrooms, fish cleaning station, information kiosk, and pay station.
“We’ve made many notable improvements to the boat launch and marina and look forward to seeing them put to use by our customers and the community,” said Westport Business Manager Molly Bold.
The Port tells KXRO that the Friends Landing campground is also open, with modifications.
Friends Landing is now open for camping, although at this time no cash will be accepted and the caretaker window will remain closed.
The picnic shelters are also open for reservations with limited group sizes.
The playground remains closed as well.
For more information on the Westport Marina, visit portofgraysharbor.com/westport/westport-info-amenities.php
For more information or to make your camping reservation visit, friendslanding.org.