Pacific County schools returning to all distance learning
In announcements from Pacific County school districts, they say that the Pacific County Department of Health has recommended that all county schools return to remote learning, due to the large increase in COVID-19 cases.
Raymond schools sent a letter to parents that announced that their r last on-site school day will be Monday, 23 November.
In South Bend, the last day of in-person learning for Group B students Friday, November 20, while Group A students will move remotely on November 24.
In Willapa Valley, remote learning begins on Monday, November 23
The date of return to in-person learning for those schools is unknown at this time.
The Ocean Beach School District will be on remote learning starting Monday, November 23rd through January 8th, adding “After the first of the year, we will coordinate with the health department to verify that they feel it is prudent to return to in person learning on January 11th.”
The districts expressed their understanding that this is a difficult time for both students and parents, encouraging parents to contact the schools with any concerns.
Raymond Schools:
Remote learning will occur in the same manner as prior to 5 October (when students began returning to school). Parents and students should use the same platforms they used in the beginning of the school year (Google Classroom in grades 3-12 and as directed by teachers in grades K-2).
Learning packets for those teachers who provide them will be delivered on Friday as they were previously. Completed packets will be picked up at the same time the new packet arrives. Completed packets may be left on the door step or handed to the employee when he/she drops off the new packet. Drop-off boxes are also available at the Raymond Elementary front door.
Students with special needs may receive help at their schools on an appointment basis, in the same ways we have previously offered. If you have questions, please contact your special education teacher.
Meals will be available to all students who request them, beginning 30 November. If you would like to receive meals, please make that request at We are unable to deliver meals without this information.
:We understand that this is a difficult time for all concerned. Please do not hesitate to call the schools if you have questions or if you have special circumstances we need to be aware of.:
South Bend Schools:
- The last day of in-person learning for Group B students will be tomorrow, Friday, November 20. Students will come to school as planned and will prepare for remote learning;
- Parent-teacher conferences scheduled for Monday, November 23 are cancelled, instead;
- Group A students will come to school on Monday, November 23 for their last day of in-person school and will prepare for remote learning;
- Parent-teacher conferences for Tuesday, November 24 will continue as scheduled;
- November 25-27 will be Thanksgiving break;
- Remote learning for all grades will begin Monday, November 30.
- Hybrid learning under the current AA-Wednesday-BB model is tentatively planned to resume on Monday, January 11, 2021. We will re-assess health conditions prior to this date to determine our actual return date.
As previous, food service will continue during remote learning. We will also attempt to provide childcare as resources allow. Please contact Amy Nelson at [email protected] as space is limited.
Superintendent Dr. Jon Tienhaara said, “We know that returning to remote learning is not ideal for anyone, and that this presents a huge challenge to parents, students, and school staff. We are doing our very best to provide the best education and services possible, while remaining in compliance with the recent health guidelines. Our goal is to return to in-person (hybrid) learning as soon as we can safely do so.”
Ocean Beach Schools:
As you are no doubt aware, virus cases in Pacific County have been growing exponentially. The department of health and the school decision tree from the state recommend our return to distance learning for the safety of families, staff, and students.
The Ocean Beach School District will be on remote learning starting Monday, November 23rd through January 8th. After the first of the year, we will coordinate with the health department to verify that they feel it is prudent to return to in person learning on January 11th.
Details regarding the learning schedule for your child will come from the schools and teachers. It may be slightly different from the earlier remote learning schedule. Meal deliveries will continue, and any changes to the delivery schedule will be conveyed by the transportation department.
During this remote learning time, some students will still be served on campus part-time in order to meet targeted individual needs. Additional safety protocols will be used to serve these students. You will be contacted next week if your student will be offered in person services during the remote learning time period.