Ocosta adds Saturday School starting Feb. 9
The Ocosta School District is implementing Saturday School for students who need help.
In a letter from the school, they say that “Academic performance is a priority at Ocosta Jr/Sr High School” and that the Saturday school is an opportunity for students that are failing classes or are not able to catch up on work.
They say this is an attempt to keep students on track for graduation to finish or to make up for attendance or behavioral issues that impact their in-class time.
The Saturday school will run from 8am-noon every other Saturday, beginning February 9 in the library.
The school will be assigned for students who are failing 2 or more classes, received a recommendation by a teacher due to “a pattern of non-participation”, who do not follow detention expectations, or who have “Excessive Tardiness”.
Students who do not follow the rules of the extra schooling may suffer further consequences.