Marine Area 2 anglers may keep 2 Chinook
WDFW – Anglers in Marine Area 2 may now keep up to two Chinook.
The WDFW tells KXRO that through September 15 anglers will be able to retain two Chinook because sufficient quota remains available.
They say that this rule change will be doable while meeting the Pacific Coast Salmon Fishery Management Plan goal of recreational salmon fishing into September in Marine Area 2.
The minimum Chinook size is 22” and the minimum Coho size is 16”.
Anglers must release wild coho.
Marine Area 2 remains open 7 days per week, but the Grays Harbor Control Zone is closed.
Action: Up to 2 Chinook may be retained.
Effective date: August 21 through September 15, 2021
Species affected: Salmon
Location: Marine Area 2
Rules: Salmon: Daily limit 2. Chinook – min. size 22”. Coho – min. size 16”. Release wild coho.
Additional information: Marine Area 2 remains open 7 days per week.
Grays Harbor Control Zone is closed beginning August 9.
Regulations for Areas 2-1 and 2-2 are listed in the Sport Fishing Rules Pamphlet.
Marine Areas 1 through 4 are scheduled to close Sept. 15, but areas could close earlier if quotas are met.
Information contact: Fish Program 360-902-2700