Input from community sought on fish and flood solutions in Chehalis Basin

The Office of Chehalis Basin (OCB) will host a virtual public meeting on Wednesday, February 17 from 6:00–8:00 p.m. PST. During the session, staff will provide an update on the actions under consideration to restore aquatic species habitat and reduce flood damages for Basin communities as part of the Chehalis Basin Strategy.

This is an opportunity for the public, particularly Chehalis Basin residents, to directly weigh in on the strategy’s development ahead of the Chehalis Basin Board’s recommendations on which actions to include as part of the long-term strategy. 

“This is an opportunity for Basin residents and others to hear the latest information directly from our team, get answers to their questions, and directly shape decisions that could impact our daily lives and certainly the future health of the region,” said OCB Director Andrea McNamara Doyle.

The Chehalis Basin Strategy is a long-term plan designed to address a decline of salmon and other aquatic species and prepare for future flooding in the Basin. 

This is the second of three public meetings since Governor Inslee requested that the board examine a potential Basin-wide approach to flood damage reduction that does not include a dam, while also further evaluating ways to reduce or mitigate negative impacts associated with the proposed dam.

The third and final meeting before the board makes its recommendation on the long-term strategy will take place virtually on Tuesday, March 9

The public will have the opportunity to learn about the options and weigh in on the Board’s potential recommendations before they’re shared broadly. 

The board’s recommendations are expected by the end of March 2021.

To register for the Feb. 17 meeting, visit this link or

A meeting recording will be distributed for later viewing for those who are unable to attend. Chehalis Basin residents and others may also contact the OCB directly via email, phone, or mail.