Grays Harbor maintenance dredging expected to start today
Grays Harbor, WA – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers plans to start Grays Harbor maintenance dredging in the Outer Harbor today with the vessels Essayons and Yaquina.
The Essayons is expected to start today or tomorrow and will dredge approximately 23 days and the Yaquina is expected to start dredging April 8-10, and will dredge approximately 8 days.
Dredging work will be performed continuously, 24 hours per day and 7 days per week, with all work concluded no later than April 30.
They say that the work will occur in shoaled areas of the Bar, Entrance, Pt. Chehalis, and South reaches.
The goal is to dredge approximately 800,000 cubic yards, with 600,000 CY placed in the South Beach Beneficial Use site.
The remaining material will be placed in either the Half Moon Bay Beneficial Use Site or the Pt. Chehalis Disposal Sites.
They say there are usually a significant number of crab pots in the South Beach Beneficial Use Site and access lane.
The Army Corps of Engineers is asking fishermen and crabbers to move their boats, pots, and gear to avoid having it damaged.
All dredge work areas including the navigation channel, access lane, and target placement sites need to be kept clear of fishing and crabbing activity and gear during the dredging.
Please note: All of the navigation channel, placement/disposal target areas AND access lanes will be used by the hoppers.
Fishermen, crabbers, and recreational boaters are encouraged to position themselves and/or their pots and gear at least 300 feet from the navigation channel, placement/disposal areas, or access lane boundaries to provide a buffer zone to allow for the boats and gear drifting into the area used by the hoppers.
Boats and gear that drift into the navigation channel, access channel, and/or target placement/disposal areas may be damaged or destroyed.