Fish and Wildlife Commission to hold two special meetings on Willapa Bay and Columbia River

WDFW – Members of the Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission will hold two special meetings later this month to discuss fishery management, including in Willapa Bay and on the Columbia River.

On May 20, the four members of the Commission’s Fish Committee will discuss possible alternatives for the Willapa Bay Salmon Management Policy, which is currently undergoing a comprehensive review process.

That meeting, scheduled from 8-9 a.m., will also feature general discussion of current topics.

Members of the public may tune into the meeting at

On May 26, from 8-11:30 a.m., four members of the Washington Commission and three members of the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission will hold a joint-state meeting to discuss Columbia River fishery management.

Commissioners will receive briefings on the status of wild fish runs, management partnerships in the Columbia River basin, and discuss Washington and Oregon’s conservation policies and the role of the commissions in addressing recovery of fish stocks in the Columbia River.

Members of the public may watch the meeting online at

To view full agendas for these meetings and how to join by telephone, visit