Fire destroys Aberdeen Museum, Senior Center, and CCAP offices
Originally posted June 9, 2018
A fire has burned the Aberdeen Community Center, housing the Aberdeen Museum of History, Coastal Community Action Center, Aberdeen Senior Center, and other resources.
According to Aberdeen Fire Chief Tom Hubbard, the first call came in at around 9:30 this morning while the building was closed.
Fire crews from Aberdeen, Hoquiam. Cosmopolis, Montesano, South Beach Regional Fire Authority, Grays Harbor Fire District #2, Thurston County, and other responders were all on scene as the building burned.
When crews arrived, firefighters attempted to enter the building through the front entrance, but Hubbard says that when they entered the heat and smoke were too intense to battle the blaze from the inside and the response began from all sides of the building.
Fire billowed from the alley side of the Armory building, with flames visible through a window in the museum.
Crews were able to cut through a side door and begin putting water inside as well as from multiple ladder trucks on 3 sides of the building.
Fire was contained on the rear of the building, but as it burned through the historic building it caused the roof to collapse in places and the flames began to exit the front windows out of the CCAP offices.
At this time there is no indication as to what caused the fire or where it started, but it appears that it began within the rear of the building housing the museum and virtually all of the items inside are likely damaged or completely destroyed.
We will have more information as crews are able to investigate the scene.
Updates and photos of the fire available at the KXRO Facebook Page.
The Aberdeen Museum of History have launched a website specifically for donations to revitalize the museum.
Museum Donation Link
The United Way of Grays Harbor has set up a special account specifically for CCAP. Anyone can donate directly to the program to help them recover. Donations for the Aberdeen Senior Center can be made through the same link, with a note made that the funds should be directed to that program specifically.