City of Aberdeen opening 3rd round small business grants
The City of Aberdeen has announced a Round 3 of small business grants relating to COVID-19.
On Tuesday, the City of Aberdeen announced that grant applications for the 3rd round are available on the City’s Website beginning, October 7, 2020, after 1:00 pm.
An information sheet and application will be available online at
All applications are due to the City no later than, Wednesday, October 21, 2020 at 5:00 pm.
Late applications will not be accepted.
Any City of Aberdeen business that meets certain criteria are eligible:
- Have a current City of Aberdeen Business License and have been in business for at least one year prior to March 1, 2020.
- Is in good financial standing with City of Aberdeen finances (i.e. B & O Taxes, Utilities fees).
- Have a physical business location within the city limits of Aberdeen on or before March 1, 2019.
- Have no more than 20 full-time-equivalent employees (priority given to business with 10 or fewer full-time-equivalent employees).
- Engage in the type of business eligible to receive funding by the US Small Business Administration.
- Ability to demonstrate the loss of income due to COVID-19.
- Ability to prove that you have been previously profitable with financial statements and/or tax returns.
Eligible businesses can receive up to $10,000. Award amounts will be determined based on the businesses net loss statements between March 1, 2019-May 31, 2019 and March 1, 2020-May 31, 2020.
Maximum award amounts will be at 30% of the net loss amounts between those months.