AHAB siren tests coming, both on Oct. 15 for ShakeOut and on Monday for the monthly test
While the Great Washington Shake-Out will take place on October 15, all local AHAB sirens will sound on Monday at noon in their regularly scheduled test.
This includes new AHAB sirens, including the one recently installed in Cosmopolis.
On the first Monday of each month at noon, the local AHAB sirens sound with the Westminster chimes and a message that states it is only a test.
At 10:15 am on October 15, 2020, millions of people in Washington State will participate in the largest earthquake drill ever.
That test occurs at 10:15 am on October 15 each year.
All coastal tsunami sirens will be tested using the wailing sound of a tsunami warning, not the Westminster Chimes that are used during the monthly tests.
Residents are reminded that this is only a test.
The wailing sound will be followed by this message in English and Spanish:
“This is a test of the siren alert system. If you are in a low coastal area, test your evacuation route. If this had been a real emergency, you should follow evacuation routes, move to higher ground inland, now. Do not delay. Do not return until directed to do so. Tune into your local media sources for further instructions. This was only a test.”
The AHAB sirens are intended to warn residents who are outside of an emergency, and not intended to alert those who are inside at the time. All homes are encouraged to maintain a NOAA Weather Radio set to alert them of an emergency while at home.
More sirens will be installed along the coast over the coming year thanks to funding allocated by the Washington State Legislature for 2020 and 2021. According to officials, the Washington Military Department will be installing approximately 50 tsunami sirens across the state’s inner and outer coasts. These sirens will fill critical gaps in the current tsunami warning infrastructure to complete the siren network.
Know Your Tsunami Warning Signs
If you hear the siren wailing sound outside of the Great Washington ShakeOut, immediately follow the closest tsunami evacuation route inland or to high ground. This is your warning that a tsunami is approaching, and you need to evacuate the inundation zone as soon as possible.
If you are on the coast and you feel ground shaking, drop, cover, and hold on to protect yourself. When the shaking stops, immediately follow the closest tsunami evacuation route inland or to high ground. Do not wait to hear a tsunami siren or to receive an official tsunami alert – the shaking is your warning that a tsunami may be on its way.
This life-saving project brings together state agencies, tribal, county, and city emergency management, and other important stakeholders to ensure Washington’s coastal communities can be alerted in the event of a tsunami warning.
Be a Part of ShakeOut!
Register at www.ShakeOut.org/Washington to practice and improve your level of earthquake and tsunami safety.
Everyone everywhere can participate! Individuals, families, businesses, schools, government agencies, and organizations are all invited to join in at 10:15 am on 10/15.