Aberdeen schools will reopen this fall in a hybrid model, with most grades online
The Aberdeen School District announced that the plan by the Reopening Task Force will feature in-person instruction for younger students on a modified schedule, while students Grades 4-12 will start school in a distance learning model.
According to Superintendent Alicia Henderson, the Task Force, featuring parents, principals, teachers, staff, and union leaders outlined the plan at their recent meeting.
The plan will be presented to the School Board on August 11.
“We would like to provide an in-person option for all students, but current health conditions do not allow us to do that safely,” Superintendent Henderson said. “However, we are confident that we can safely reopen school for preschool and K-3 under guidance that permits up to 10 people in a classroom. In addition, we will be working with the parents of our special needs students to determine who to bring back for in-person services.”
“Critical to our success will be strict adherence to all safety measures by our students, staff and families,” she added.
Dr. John Bausher issued guidance this last week that recommended K-12 students start the school year with a distance learning model, or, in special circumstances, a hybrid model. He encouraged schools to prioritize elementary students and special education services, and to utilize remote learning models for older grades.
Superintendent Henderson says that she has invited the Task Force to continue planning for the eventual return of all students.
The work of the Reopening Task Force can be found on the ASD5 website under the “Reopening” tab.
Distance learning remains an option for all families. “We are committed to a robust system that provides flexibility and the best opportunity for our students to be successful,” Henderson said.