Aberdeen schools in planning to return Pre K-3rd grades back by Feb. 1
Due to the latest statewide recommendations on returning to in-person schooling, Aberdeen schools will begin to return the youngest students back into buildings.
In an update from Aberdeen School District Superintendent Dr. Alicia Henderson, she addressed the latest metrics, guidelines and regulations from the Department of Health and Labor & Industries for re-opening schools.
“All of us are excited at the prospect of seeing our students in their classrooms and we are looking forward to bringing back our furloughed workers,” said Henderson, adding “We will be working to align our Reopening Plan with the new metrics and will share that information with our labor partners as soon as possible.”
Henderson expressed confidence that the district’s Reopening Plan will be ready for School Board review at the next meeting on January 19.
According to Henderson, the plan at the moment involves bringing Pre K-3rd Grades first, ideally by February 1.
“The district had been preparing to bring PreK-3rd Grade back in a hybrid model last August, but case counts exceeded the threshold and the plan was paused.”
Henderson adds that under the new metrics, given current case counts on Grays Harbor, only the youngest learners should be brought back.
“It appears that we will initially be looking at small groups (cohorts) of 15 at a time, in a hybrid model,” the superintendent said.
She noted in her update,
“Health and safety precautions for our students and our staff are paramount in the decision-making process,” Superintendent Henderson added.
She noted that the district had already begun an HVAC assessment.
“We also know that Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is essential, and we are revisiting all current supplies and procedures. I am confident we will meet the high standards expected at this time.”
Dr. Henderson encourages everyone to remember the 3Ws — Wear a mask, Wash your hands, and Watch your distance — “so that we can bring all of our students back as soon as possible.”
Read the Decision Making Guidance for Schools from Department of Health