Aberdeen City Council vacancy after resignation

There is a vacancy on the Aberdeen City Council.

It was announced on Wednesday that Marissa Aube has resigned.

Mayor Schave made the announcement and noted that Councilmember Aube stated that she has had difficulties attending meetings due to her work schedule.

Schave said that it was her feeling that as a councilmember she should be more available, and tendered her resignation with the hope that another resident in Ward 4 will have more flexibility.

Aube was elected in the 2021 General Election, winning over Antara Croft.

Looking at meeting minutes, Aube had missed roll calls in at least 4 city council meetings leading into July, not including committee assignments, since she was elected.

Applications will be accepted for approximately three weeks, with the anticipation that a new councilmember would be interviewed and appointed at the September 14 Regular meeting.

All interested persons from Ward 4 should provide letters of interest, along with a resume, to Mayor Schave to allow City Council to review and make a selection for a qualified person to fill the vacant position.