55 new COVID cases in Pacific County
Since Monday, over 50 positive COVID-19 cases have been added to the Pacific County total.
In a release, Pacific County Public Health and Human Services tells KXRO that they had received notice of 55 additional positive cases of COVID-19 in the county.
These cases are new since November 16 and are in addition to the 191 previously reported cases for a total of 246 cases.
This is in addition to the 26 additional positive cases added between November 11-16.
Pacific County officials say that they are currently seeing exponential growth of Covid-19 cases. From April through October Pacific County reported 121 cases.
From November 1, through November 17, Pacific County has reported 125 cases.
Per direction from Pacific County Deputy Health Officer Dr. Steven Krager, positive rapid tests which had previously been reported as probable cases will now be reported as part of the overall total.
The health department says that the Washington State Department of Health will continue to report confirmed cases, as a result, the number of cases shown by the Department of Health will lag behind what is reported by Pacific County.
Officials state that “It is important to note false positives are rare. The numbers reported by Pacific County will continue to reflect an accurate count of active cases within the county.”
There are currently 86 active cases being monitored by public health nurses.
The latest cases include:
- Male, 0-10 years old, linked to household positive case
- Male, 0-10 years old, linked to household positive case
- Male, 0-10 years old, linked to household positive case
- Male, 0-10 years old, linked to household positive case
- Male, 0-10 years old, linked to household positive case
- Female, 0-10 years old, linked to household positive case
- Male, 0-10 years old, linked to household positive case
- Female, 11-20 years old, linked to household positive case
- Female, 11-20 years old, linked to household positive case
- Male, 11-20 years old, linked to household positive case
- Male, 11-20 years old, linked to household positive case
- Male, 11-20 years old, linked to household positive case
- Male, 11-20 years old, linked to household positive case
- Female, 11-20 years old, linked to household positive case
- Female, 11-20 years old, linked to household positive case
- Male, 11-20 years old, linked to workplace exposure
- Male, 11-20 years old, linked to workplace exposure
- Male, 11-20 years old, linked to workplace exposure
- Female, 21-30 years old, linked to workplace exposure
- Female, 21-30 years old, linked to workplace exposure
- Male, 21-30 years old, linked to workplace exposure
- Female, 21-30 years old, linked to household positive case
- Male, 21-30 years old, linked to workplace exposure
- Male, 21-30 years old, linked to workplace exposure
- Male, 21-30 years old, linked to workplace exposure
- Female, 31-40 years old, linked to workplace exposure
- Male, 31-40 years old, linked to household positive case
- Male, 31-40 years old, linked to workplace exposure
- Male, 31-40 years old, linked to workplace exposure
- Male, 31-40 years old, linked to workplace exposure
- Male, 31-40 years old, linked to household positive case
- Male, 31-40 years old, linked to social interaction
- Female, 31-40 years old, linked to workplace exposure
- Female, 31-40 years old, linked to workplace exposure
- Female, 31-40 years old, linked to workplace exposure
- Female, 41-50 years old, linked to household positive case
- Male, 41-50 years old, linked to workplace exposure
- Male, 41-50 years old, linked to workplace exposure
- Female, 41-50 years old, linked to community exposure
- Female, 41-50 years old, linked to workplace exposure
- Female, 41-50 years old, linked to household positive case
- Male, 41-50 years old, linked to workplace exposure
- Male, 51-60 years old, linked to workplace exposure
- Male, 51-60 years old, linked to workplace exposure
- Male, 51-60 years old, linked to workplace exposure
- Female, 51-60 years old, linked to workplace exposure
- Male, 51-60 years old, linked to household positive case
- Male, 51-60 years old, linked to workplace exposure
- Female, 51-60 years old, linked to social interaction
- Female, 51-60 years old, linked to workplace exposure
- Male, 61-70 years old, linked to workplace exposure
- Male, 61-70 years old, linked to community exposure
- Female, 61-70 years old, linked to out of county visitor
- Male, 61-70 years old, linked to out of county visitor
- Female, 81-90 years old, linked to out of county visitor
4 cases are currently hospitalized with all other individuals isolating at home. Case investigations and contact tracing are on-going.
Pacific County Health and Human Services strongly encourages the public to limit social gatherings, maintain social distancing of at least six feet between persons, and practice personal protective measures to include: correctly wearing a mask/face covering in public, washing hands often with soapy water for at least 20 seconds, and avoid touching your face.
For up to date information and guidance, please monitor the Pacific County Health and Human Services Facebook page or visit: www.pacificcountycovid19.com.