3 new Pacific County COVID cases linked to one person

4 additional COVID-19 cases were found in Pacific County, but only 3 will count toward the local total.

Pacific County Health and Human Services announced on Monday that they had received notice of an additional positive case of COVID-19 in Pacific County.

According to their report, the person connected to the case has been identified as an out of state resident, but has resided in the county for the past three months.

This positive test will not count towards Pacific County’s total number of cases. The individual has been admitted to the hospital and is receiving medical care.

As a result of contact tracing, three additional positive cases were identified.

These individuals are close contacts to the out of state resident, and are Pacific County residents.

At this time, Pacific County has 16 confirmed positive cases. Case investigation and contact tracing are still on-going.

These newly identified cases are not considered an outbreak since they are members of the same household.

The Pacific County Health and Human Services Department will continue to investigate these most recent cases and strongly encourages the public to maintain social distancing by limiting non-essential travel, and practice personal protective measures to include, washing hands often with soapy water for at least 20 seconds, avoid touching your face, and wearing a face covering in public.

For up to date information and guidance about how to keep yourself and your family healthy, please visit: www.pacificcountycovid19.com.