2023 Filing Week: Day 1
At the end of the first day of filign week on May 15, 2023, a limited number of candidates have stepped forward.
Out of the 127 offices open to residents for filing, 50 of them now have candidates expressing their interest.
Among the highlights on Day 1, Hoquiam Mayor Ben Winkkelman was the only incumbent Mayor to re-file. In other cities, Councilmembers in Aberdeen, Elma, and Montesano have filed to take on the role of Mayor.
This includes Councilmembers Debi Ann Pieraccini for Aberdeen, Josh Collette for Elma, and Tyler Trimble for Montesano.
Elsewhere, newcomers Linda Springer has filed for Cosmopolis Mayor, while residents Edward Welter and Greg Barnes have created a race for Mayor of Westport.
In other positions open during Filing Week, a number of incumbent City Councilmembers have placed their names onto the ballots, with numerous residents filing for other seats around the county.
57 people filed for 50 positions as of Monday in Grays Harbor.
For Pacific County, current Commissioner David Tobin, who stepped in to replace Frank Wolfe earlier this year, has filed for his seat, Sue Svendsen has filed for Mayor of Long Beach, and 27 people put their name up for consideration for one of the 60 open positions.
The 2023 Filing Week runs through 4 pm on Friday, May 19.
Applicants are encouraged to file online during the filing period.